God continues to Open Doors at ccdelco!

Goal: $4.7 Million

Committed: $3,100,000

Received: $1,750,000

Open Doors

God has Opened Doors

Revelation 3:8, 2 Corinthians 2:12, Matthew 7:7 and Colossians 4:2-4

In 2010, the Lord blessed our church with 22 acres of land near Routes 1 & 202 in Chadds Ford Township. Through God’s grace and our congregation’s generosity, we’ve carried out vibrant ministry on this campus for 14 years.

Now God has impressed on our leadership that it is time to expand our borders to meet the demands of our growing church and school.

Thirty years ago, when our church met in a small rented theater, the vision laid out on this website was inconceivable. We never set out to build structures or make a name for ourselves, only to make disciples of Jesus and to make His name great. God certainly has done exceedingly greater things than we could have imagined, and now we stand on the precipice of another expansion.

Our leadership team has a strong conviction that the vision God has given us for the next seven years combined with the growth of our church and Innovate Academy will require an increased footprint on our 22-acre home.

This expansion will benefit almost every ministry from nursery through our seniors. Plans include a new multipurpose room, gymnasium, a permanent outdoor theater, two state of the art classrooms, a brand-new nursery, and a cohort training space.

Seeing this vision become a reality will take prayer, sacrifice, and generosity from all of us. By working together, we can set the table for more people to become fully-devoted followers of Christ. What God began through a small team of dreamers we believe will prosper for generations to come. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Robert Guaglione, Senior Pastor

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Multi-purpose space that will accommodate:

    • 400+ movable seat capacity

    • Common space for Sunday fellowship

    • Gathering space for ccdelco ministries

    • Youth group gathering space

    • Regional conference space

    • Calvary campus

    • InnovateAcademy multi-use

    • Indoor gym - sports ministry

    Sizzlin Summer reconfiguration and stage:

    • Under roof stage

    • Covered terrace gathering space

    • Innovate Academy

    • Adding two new classrooms

    Meeting Room and Training Space

    • 900 SF state-of-the-art space for meetings, training for our future leadership academy, and an intern mentorship program.

    Relocate the Sunday nursery to the main floor near the sanctuary entrance

    • Better integrate Sunday childcare to the main floor common area

    • Improve the childcare experience

    • New JKids check-in

    • New Nursing Moms room

    • We are out of space to do our current ministries well.

    • We need added space for new ministry opportunities.

    • This expansion is the natural next phase aligned with how God has grown our ministries, church family, and how we gather together.

  • Our two goals regarding timing are to minimize the disruption to Sizzlin Summer and to be complete by the start of the 2025/26 Innovate school year. Therefore, we plan to break ground in August 2024 for completion by August 2025.

  • Our campaign goal is $4.5 million and will cover the entire estimated cost of the expansion.

  • We will fund the campaign through a three-year commitment of pledges beginning in March 2024. ccdelco is currently DEBT FREE! We do not intend to incur any debt over the long term. An interim construction loan may be necessary for cash flow purposes until all pledges are received.

  • This is a three-year campaign. You decide your giving schedule — weekly, monthly, quarterly, one-time gifts or asset transfers, or another schedule of your choice. Then, help us understand your giving plan. By accelerating your gift, we can then fund with cash the cost of the expansion. Be sure to designate your gift for "OPEN DOORS" and it will be applied toward your commitment.

  • No one on our staff will see what is pledged. That is between you and God. Life and circumstances change, some for the better and others for the worse. Let's all believe by faith that we can overcome these obstacles.

  • We get to experience God's joy when we participate in what He is doing. We are praying for 100% participation and to be unified as a body. Remember what Jesus said when the poor widow put two very small copper coins into the Temple treasury: "This poor woman has put in more than all the others" Luke 21:1-4. All pledges matter, regardless of amount as we are called to give sacrificially according to how God has given to us.

  • Yes, there are multiple ways to give aside from cash. You can give via stocks, mutual funds, personal assets (like gold, jewelry, boats, houses, etc.), Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD), Donor Advised Funds (DAF), and planned giving. These gifts make use of legal and tax strategies and/or financial products requiring donors to turn to professionals for assistance.

    To answer any questions and support your giving journey, please contact our Finance Department at info@ccdelco.com to set up an appointment. We are proud to partner with the National Christian Foundation (NCF) to help our community give generously.

  • "We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man." - 2 Corinthians 8:20-21 (NIV)

    We are committed to honoring God's provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability to ensure the financial integrity of Calvary Chapel remains above reproach. We accomplish this through a system of internal controls and reporting process, including an annual review performed by an independent certified public accounting firm. Contact our Finance Team by calling the church office at (610) 459-8111 or emailing info@ccdelco.com to ask general questions about our financial practices.

Open Doors Business Leader

John Wichard


John, his wife Crystal, and their three daughters, Hailey (20), Claire (16) and Lauren (13) have been attending Calvary Chapel since they moved to Newtown Square, PA in June of 2020 (yes, the beginning of the pandemic!).

John is a partner with the professional services firm Deloitte & Touche LLP where he recently celebrated 27 years of service. He provides audit and advisory services to Deloitte’s largest global clients.

Prior to attending ccdelco, John led capital (building) campaigns for three churches in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania (yes, John and his family moved a lot and no, they have no plans to move again!). Those campaigns were modeled after 1 Chronicles 28 where each church family was assembled and led by our Lord to indelibly change the Kingdom for His purpose.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or want to get in touch, please reach out to our church office. Our working hours are Monday-Thursday from 9a-5p and Sundays from 8-2p.


500 Brandywine Drive
Chadds Ford, PA 19317